Module 6 introduces the topic of web writing for academics who are not professional content managers but feel the need to improve this skill. The five chapters focus on the following key topics:
- Understanding online text types
- Raising awareness for online writing styles
- Promoting and presenting research to non-academics
- How to use visual elements effectively
- How to write in a responsible and respectful way
The Module provides on overview of the most common text types to be encountered online, discussing the many pitfalls that need to be avoided when producing content for the Web. Knowing the rules of online writing and understanding how information is shared and disseminated online is of paramount importance when writing for the Web. Since text also means visual content, the Module discusses the function and use of visual elements.
The iLab manual Module 6 offers you additional information, useful links and helpful suggestions for Module 6 to enrich your teaching. Based on the cBook it can be used in everyday teaching to deepen some topics or in combination with the iLab (innovation Lab). The iLab is the two-day on-site training course of #Teaching2030, either provided by a project team member or organized in a self-directed way by university teachers. The iLab gives you the opportunity to try out new approaches, methods and competencies from the cBook.
The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland is one of the “top players” in the Austrian sector of Universities of Applied Sciences with more than 25 years of experience and owned by the County of Burgenland. With this region bordering Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia, the two campuses in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld are centrally located in the heart of Europe, thus offering unique learning opportunities within 9 Bachelor and 13 Master degree programs in 5 departments. The UAS Burgenland strives for innovative didactic approaches, incorporating educational technology and virtual classrooms within its blended-learning degree programs.